Friday, January 30, 2009

Work and Play

I think I can conclusively say that, while I still tend to enjoy AYS catering jobs, the novelty has pretty much worn off. This past week I served a small dinner at Buckingham Palace attended by Princess Margaret, and I felt no real need to clamour over myself and report every minute detail to our adoring blog-reading public. Truth be told it was a complete breeze of a job, with much waiting around whilst the 40 guests finished eating each course. I did have the "privilege" of standing the in the vicinity of Her Royal Highness with a tray of drinks exclusively for her convenience and consumption. I hovered around her for 45 minutes, and she never touched a drop. Oh, the mad-cap adventures of serving royalty. The dinner took place in the Queen's Gallery of Buckingham Palace. While it was decked out in luxurious art and architecture, another symptom of too many high-society service gigs is that these timeless and ageless and priceless halls all seem to blend together in my mind, none of them standing out as they once might have done.

One great diversion from the stream of office and service work has been the opportunity to volunteer with Brianne's group of youngsters at the U-Film sessions. Two nights this week I have joined in with the group in their improv exercises and film-making tutorials. It's been great fun to "play" again, and gives me a deeper appreciation for the good work that B is involved with. The kids, while being identified by the local council as "at risk," are bright and responsive and relatively well-behaved. I feel that B's group is having a very positive impact upon the children. The experience has also reaffirmed my admiration for teaching profession, which is a form of performance art all it's own.

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