Monday, January 26, 2009


This past week has been some incredible work. Incredible as in how great I feel about it, but also as in how much hard work is going into it. During the day from Monday to Friday I am doing two shows a day of a healthy lifestyle children’s show called Golden Spoon. For this show I am tour manager, sound technician and I also have a small acting role as a Cooking Competition Judge. Then on Tuesday and Thursday nights I am part of a new program called Ufilm. We have 17 kids involved in it with ages ranging from 13 to 17. Most of them have either been referred to the program by teachers, guardians or care givers. Some of these kids are in foster care, most are not doing well in school and one girl is pregnant. What we are doing in the program is splitting into three groups and each group will write, produce and film a short 10 minute film. We’re trying to get these kids involved and if they do the work it will go towards their school credits.
Most of the kids are really into it, some are even coming up with some really original ideas – although a little dark in nature – but there is always one or two that are out there to stir up a bit of trouble. There are five facilitators always on hand just in case there is trouble (I am one of them) and we have our eyes on two boys in particular that we know if closely paired together will cause a distraction for others. If anyone receives two warnings they are kicked out of the program. It may sound tough but it is necessary.The evenings that I am working on this end late, and I am usually so zonked that I just have a light snack when I get home and then crawl into bed. Ufilm will be going on for twelve sessions. Come March it should wrap up, however In February during the school break I will be part of some High School Musical workshops and then starting up in late March will be another tour of a show about anti smoking. Lots of overlapping of work in other words. Next week we start writing the film scripts so I will be able to expand on that then. TTFN!

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