Monday, January 26, 2009

The Pranks Roll On...ladadadadee

Andrew and I have a great housemate in Matt, Not only does he share in our sense of humour, but he also is willing to join us in pranks – even if they are occasionally planned against each other. A few weeks after Andrew left to do a show before Christmas I started hearing a flute being played in the morning. Eventually I discovered that it was Matt who had previously studied the flute classically and had gotten his hands onto one. Earlier in the year I believe Andrew wrote about my loathing of most woodwind instruments. Please understand that this mostly stems from hearing either people playing them poorly or playing songs that should never be changed over to a classical instrument – such as Bon Jovi’s “You Give Love a Bad Name”. It just doesn’t work. Well – because of this loathing I offered to Matt that he should follow Andrew around the apartment playing the flute – preferably the theme from Peter and the Wolf. Unfortunately it did not come to fruition but it was still a great idea for a prank. However, recently things have been getting a little silly. For instance; Andrew and I brought back with us from Christmas seasons three and four of The Office, a show that we are all crazy about. What ensued was two weeks of all three of us gathering around the couch and watching at least two episodes to relax after work. Due to my new job there are some nights that I am not home until rather late – for these occasions Matt has made a sign to show how much he is in Office viewing withdrawal, it reads as such: Will Drop Pants for Episodes of The Office. It makes me giggle inside knowing about it.

Anywho….last night we were all hanging about watching a bit of The Office as well as some Fawlty Towers, chatting about the plans for the week ahead, etc. Matt goes into the kitchen for a bit to make up a snack or something and when he comes back Andrew and I are canoodling on the couch. He playfully made a big deal about it as if he had walked into an extremely uncomfortablesituation. We all had a little laugh at it. I then went into the washroom for a few minutes and when I emerged I found Andrew and Matt locked into a tight embrace. Their prank worked – I hit the floor laughing and proceeded to run around in a very Benny Hill fashion exclaiming about the place. The only question now is…what can I plan next to top it?

1 comment:

Matto said...

The important thing is, we will always out-prank you.

Or I will get you both.