Monday, January 26, 2009

What Were They Thinking OR Wii Willy Winkie

It’s the little things that you weren’t expecting, that make your head turn round and go “Did I just hear/see that?” Well that was my Wednesday morning on a drive to Basildon with the tour I am now a part of. Along a stretch of otherwise indistinct countryside road was the most perfect sign I have ever seen. It read: SECRET NUCLEAR BASE – TURN LEFT

I can count the number of video games I have ever played/finished in my life on one hand. I don’t think I even have to use my thumb: The Original Mario that included Duck Hunt that my sister and I played frequently until the electronic gun stopped working, Doctor Mario – given to us by my Gram and Papa and was my favourite for the longest time as I could actually finish level 2 – something I had not been able to do with the original Mario. Fast forward to the Hugo games for computers. I know I watched my cousin Nathan play and win the first one “Hugo’s House of Horror”, I never saw the second one completed but I do now that once, ONCE I was able to finish the third one all on my own. And finally that brings us to Phantasmagoria – a game I obsessed over. The blinds would be pulled down and the lights turned off. Brittany, Tanya and I would huddle around the screen enthralled by the mystery before us and screaming our heads off when something unexpected happened. It felt like we played that game for months until we solved it. That was the year I painted my room purple. Approximately 10 years ago. Aside from solitaire I haven’t touched another game since Phantasmagoria. Until this Christmas season and I touched a Wii. I have my cousin Amanda to thank for this experience – no one else I know has one (artists…)
So here we are visiting my Aunt Linda and Amanda comes home with a new game for her Wii counsel – Rabbid Rabbits. For those of you not aware of this phenomenon, they are a bunch of silly cartoon rabbits most noted for their interpretations of famous movies in 30 seconds – look it up sometime – so funny. Within minutes I realised how much I suck at this style of gaming: I either move too much or don’t know how to stay within range. It must be very funny to those watching me, especially when the crowd of Rabbits start booing my attempts. It’s all in good fun.
Plus filming Linda and Andrew attempting these silly dance moves was just way too much fun to pass up.(Amanda if you watch this, please do not split your stitches…)

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