Monday, May 12, 2008

The Days are Just Packed!

It's been quite a while without an update, a cardinal sin the blogging universe I'm given to understand. We may have lost some valued regular readers. Best to plunge back in full steam, and hope our adoring public will forgive and forget.

It's an odd feeling to realize that you have more work than you know what to do with. Keeners that we are, we spent our first week and a bit in Olde London Towne (how many superfluous E's can I use?) bombarding the market with CV's and showing a willingness to be as available for work as possible. Now it's come back to us in spades, and there aren't enough hours in the day for the shifts offered to us. Temp agencies, catering companies, even the London Eye ferris wheel. We've narrowed it all down to a manageable schedule, but we still have to remember to book our own weekends into all of this. And remember to breathe. And sleep.

Ah, sleep. Not much of it this weekend, as B and I both had late catering gigs on Saturday night followed by an ass-crack of dawn start for another gig on Sunday! Grand total of 3 hours sleep between the two! I don't recommend this. We managed to get through it all, and are pretty much back to sanity now.

- I have been unfortunate enough to witness an average of at least one man a day adjust his crotch in public this week. EEEW!
- We saw Spamalot last week, the Monty Python musical, and here's my favourite line:
King Arthur: Wait a minute, you're Jewish? (they need a Jew, been looking for a while)
Why didn't you say so before?
Patsy: Well, it's not something you announce to a heavily-armed Christian!
- London really knows how to do parks and public green spaces, they're awesome here.
- I do miss some North American food, like good Buffalo wings, but I've managed to control the cravings, shakes, and night sweats so far.
- A Ploughman's Sandwich is delicious, just beware the hungry Ploughman chasing after you.
- It's so weird to open a sports section of a paper and see wall-to-wall soccer and NO HOCKEY.
- Pedestrians are an afterthought on London streets, so jaywalk with impunity . . . and great bravery and skill

Keep checking back with us, we swear we'll do something interesting soon!

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