Monday, July 21, 2008

Hever Ho and Away We Go

The jousting tournament started with a great deal of pomp and pride, but sort of meandered it's way into silliness. The knights were skilled, to be sure, and their riding and jousting were good, but the script they were using to create characters and comedy was weaker than that of a professional wrestling spectacle. We cheered and chortled for a fair bit, but when they got bogged down in slapstick instead of swashbuckling, we decided to move along and came to this striking Italian fountain next to their open-air theatre.

We wandered to the far edge of the grounds and this pretty little waterfall.

Several people brought their dogs to the grounds, and they were generally better behaved than the children.

At the end of the day we tried getting back in touch with our inner children on the playground. The result: we realized that our inner children have stronger knees than we do.

As a sidenote, Brianne and I have discovered a love of Travel Scrabble! We picked up the magnetic board game and played it to pass the time on the train. A lovely diversion, I suggest you try it.

1 comment:

xfreezingxnotex said...

Maybe it's the low quality video, but it looks like Sir Knight has a bucket on his gallant head. Ha ha!

The dog, however, is beyond precious.