Monday, July 28, 2008

Friends, Food, Film, and the Daily Grind

We've spent the last few days either working or hanging out with friends, both admirable uses of time. On Thursday we met up with two of our AYS pals, Ben from London and Bryce from Nashville. We went for lunch on Brick Lane, a market street with a strong Bangladeshi population. We had papidams, curry and rice, a very fine meal. Afterwards Brianne and I had a catering job on a tall ship, which I of course was looking forward to after my previous ship job. Sadly, it wasn't as relaxed and fun as the other job - lack of organization and a problem with the little bridge at the marina to let us out, plus it was definitely a more choppy ride. Serving trays of champagne flutes can be taxing enough, but when you must carry a tray up steep steps from the galley to the top deck and the tray is slick plastic instead of rubberized and so light that the wind is constantly catching it . . . well, I hope you can feel my trepidation. Luckily, no spills. In the end, it was enjoyable enough, as the chef was quite friendly and Brianne got to witness Tower Bridge opening for us.

The next day I teamed up with Ben and Bryce again and we watched The Dark Knight. Utterly spectacular. Believe the hype - not only is it the best comic book film ever made, but Heath Ledger should definitely be considered for a posthumous Oscar. After the film we met up with B at Ye Olde Chesire Cheese. We had such a nice meal with Aunt Mary and Uncle Bill, we wanted to share it with our buddies, especially since Bryce will be going home to the States pretty soon. For dessert I had Spotted Dick . . . stop laughing. No, really, stop it. Fine. I'll wait.

Done yet? It's a little cake with . . . I said cut it out!

All done? Very well then. It's a muffin-like cakey thing with currants in it surrounded by warm custard, very tasty and very British. We went for an evening walk after dinner, touring around the Soho area. Very ecclectic shops and bars, interesting "only-come-out-at-night" type of people. On one corner we saw public urinals . . . you read that right. Not a port-o-potty, but a four-sided open air urinal stand. Weird.

Saturday and Sunday were spent working. On Saturday I did a private backyard luncheon for a wealthy family, while B . . . well, I'll let her tell of that later. Sunday we both went to a polo match to work the bar and canapes. Long hot day, bad traffic on the way back. My bar was an ice sculpture which dwindled away throughout the event. Dozens of people asked how long we thought it would last, trying and failing to be clever. At least ten people asked why we weren't lying on top of it. Gave me the idea that they should have an Ice Wall at events like this, against which people could periodically lean. I should check into a market for this.

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