Friday, March 26, 2010

The Art of it all

There is truly an art to everything I do. There has to be. Otherwise, why am I doing it?

Scrap that.

There is an element of grace with every task that I complete.

Strike that from the record.

Okay - Although I may be trudging along & my legs covered with bruises, I am heading somewhere. I am constantly striving to move forward, working with determination towards an end. And gosh darn it - if all that I am accomplishing is butting my head continually up against a hard brick well - well damn it! I'm doing it with great effort!

I'd like to say that every day right now presents itself with opportunity to work towards perfection. That each day I have a set of goals made out and that I hope to complete or gain them. In reality I am living each day thinking of only of this: at the end of the day I get to go to bed.

Great goal right?

Not really. Yes, it is challenging never having time to be perfectly alone. To always have someone else in the house who may come knocking at your door as you are in the middle of a really good part of a book. Or to constantly be asked the same damn question repeatedly as you try to finish your job applications. And to know that at the end of the day when I snuggle up next to my husband that we not in our own place. That one sucks a lot.

I guess I could say I accomplished this today: I wrote up a really good report about my shift last night. I helped my dad arrange a bedroom for my Gram into a little apartment for her, trying to make it as cozy as possible. This entailed bringing in furniture from the garage & the basement, dusting and cleaning it, setting it upstairs, making sure it all had pads underneath it to stop scratching the wood floor, moving all of her little figurines and generally just a lot of lifting. I also applied for a few more jobs, and entered this blog.
Not great I know, but it's something.

So here's to you. For all of the little successes and wins that you gained today. I raise a glass to you. (No, I don't have a beer in hand right now, but it won't be too long from now.)
Here's to cleaning the toilet, to hanging up clothes, to watching that movie you keep on saying you will watch.

Take a moment and take glory in it.
Because Damn it - we deserve it!!!

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