Thursday, March 19, 2009

Chasing Roots

It’s a magical journey in the simplest of ways to return to a place that you have never been – but where your family once lived. Especially when that place is a town on a different continent and the family that lived there goes back almost 150 years. Yes, I suppose there are a great deal of families that can trace their heritage much further back in time, but for us Canadians going back that far can prove difficult. And so our journey began leaving for Kent on a gloomy Saturday morning from the big bustle that is Victoria station in London. I doubt my ancestors ever had to put up with such noise and populace. It was an hour and a half long journey to get to our connection to get out to the Isle of Sheppey. The journey takes you through the countryside and has a quick stop in Rochester (right in view of the lovely castle in the town centre). Then there is a quick transfer of trains – from ours that had 8 carriages at least to a much smaller and less luxurious one that had 2. The Isle of Sheppey is surrounded by water but it looks to be not much wider than the Ottawa River. Indeed, the Thames at times seems choppier than the waters that connect the Isle to the mainland. Hop off at the final stop and you are in the town of Sheerness, with only a five minute walk to the coastline of the sea. Beautiful. By this time the sun had decided to peer its head out and decided it might have a day out and about. We took a taxi to our Bed and Breakfast which was located at an intersection called Halfway House. My guess is that this intersection was called such as it is almost exactly halfway between the town of Sheerness and that of Minster. It was also a five minute walk away from the cemetery where we had found the names of Francis and Elisabeth Tucker listed. (Yeah for the internet!) Nice clean Bed and Breakfasts always make a difference – and ours was especially nice and appreciated. Almost immediately we set down our bags and made our way to the cemetery. After speaking with one of the men that tends the property, we realised that we only needed to search one section of the cemetery as it was all relatively chronological in its arrangement. The cemetery had opened in 1850 and Francis had passed away in 1871 – that was only 20 years of ground to cover as apposed to the entire place. Andrew and I decided to start at the beginning, splitting ourselves to search a different side of the path. I would be on the right with Andrew on the left, each of us meeting up after completing a section to compare notes. I noted that some plots that were side by side varied in dates from 1860 to 1950 – most likely the plot having been bought and paid for long before being filled. Most graves were marked by a standard headstone set upright and the area around it with a border of stone or marble. In some cases the names and dates were very clear to read which made my job very easy as I need only have a glance and then pass by them. Others had the names worn off in some areas from either weather or the mass amounts of ivy that was growing all over the place. In these cases I would have to balance myself around the headstone, trying not to topple anything to get a closer look at the names or dates, or if there was no headstone at all or it had been buried under earth or toppled or broken then I would have to get on my hands and knees and scrap away at the growth in the hopes of catching a glimpse of the name. The day had become sunny and I had already taken off my extra sweater, so I did not mind at all the idea of searching for ours in this quiet and beautiful cemetery, but after an hour my eyes were tired and needed a rest. So Andrew and I met up and grabbed some snacks to munch on the grass. We had covered about a quarter of the section that we had set out to look over. Certain names we had seen copious amounts of: Boyds, Woods, Tayler.

After a little break we split up again and the search continued. At about forty minutes into it I was under a tree, yanking at some ivy vines that were covering a rather large headstone. A little bird of some variety must have been nesting there because as I pulled the vines apart it fly out at me from the underbush and scared the living daylights out of me. I screamed. And probably swore as well. I am not used to things flying out at me from the ground in a graveyard. At the same time my phone began to ring. It was Andrew on the other side of the graveyard – he had found them. I ran over and he asked if I had been screaming because my phone was ringing – I explained that it was pure coincidence that the two events had happened on top of the other.

This entire time we had thought we would be lucky if there was even a headstone to mark the resting place of my ancestors – boy were we in for a surprise. There, in amongst the simple headstones was the final resting place of Francis, Elizabeth and Charles Tucker. Rather than me describing it I have included a picture of it below. The one on the left with the iron rail around it is the one for Francis, Elisabeth and Charles. The one on the right with an obelisk is for Hannah, Edward and their son Frederick Tucker.

Across the path from them was another large marking – one for Hannah Tucker and her husband and their son. I have no idea of what relation they may have been, but considering the dates and the size of the two memorials, we think there must have been some sort of relation.
We cleaned off what we could and decided to return the following day with some flowers and something to make a rubbing with. For the afternoon we decided to travel up to Minster to see if the family home was still standing. It wasn’t, but the house that would have been their neighbours was still standing, so we took a picture of that instead. Heading to Minster was about 3 miles up hill (in both directions!) and held a great view of the where we had just come from but admittedly there was not much to the town. (A Chinese takeaway, a launderette and a post office.) So back down the hill we went.
I will stop here so that Andrew may have his say of what our adventures were that evening but I will sum up with the remainder of the following morning. We went to pick up flowers and some wax paper and crayons to make a rubbing, spent a bit of time tidying up as best we could around the memorials and took some pictures. We made the rubbing and then set out leisurely for home, having accomplished what we had set out to do. What a great feeling that is.

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