Monday, August 18, 2008


Getting up on the soapbox here. Most all of you know that Brianne and I have a deep and abiding love for the world of Harry Potter, and though some of you may not share or understand it, you have always smiled along with it, and that's all we really ask and we love you for it.

I hope, therefore, you will understand my umbrage that Warner Bros. has just recently decided to push back the latest Potter movie that we have been waiting months for from November 'til July of next year! Let's not mince words: WE ARE PISSED OFF!

And we're not alone. Thousands of signatures have hit online petitions in just a few days, letter-writing campaigns and boycotts are around the corner. B and I feel that it's just disrespectful for a company to push back a release in the hope of making more summer money. The company says it's because of the writer's strike and that fewer movies have been produced for next year as a result. In the same breath they claim to love their fans. We feel severely cheated.

Just wanted to vent this bile. Thanks for receiving it, and if any other Potter fans feel betrayed, rest assured that Brianne and I intend to send some strongly worded letters to WB!

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